
Sunday, 2 February 2014

What Would I Like My Reality To Be?

For the last two weeks I have been listening to Glenyce Hughes' "Living In The Magic Of Possibilities" 4 week tele-series (
I have been listening to the calls, clearings and vibrational alignments every day with a couple of hours break here and there. Really choosing the series and being with the processes and tools has uncovered so much that I have been unwilling to look at in the past. Acknowledging what I choose and have chosen puts me in the driver seat, from here I can create the change I desire. I initially started my LITMOP thirty day adventure on January 8, I announced the start and avoid listening and claimed a position of too busy and overwhelm.  It took me 11 days to acknowledge my avoidance and from there I chose the adventure for real and for true. 
 The first week of LITMOP facilitated me into really seeing all the judgments I still had and that was truly an eye opening realization. Immersing myself in week 1 call, clearing and vibrational alignment on infinite receiving brought clarity to how I was choosing based on decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations (DJCCs). From this space I POC and PODed all the DJCCs that presented themselves and today  I am still POC and PODing. When I now ask a question if any point of view surfaces I clear them with the clearing statement ( and continue to clear until the only thing I am perceiving is heavy or light. That is where true choice exist when we choose between what is heavy or light with no point of view. When we follow the lightness we access the magic, miracles and joy. 

It has been a long while since my last blog, almost a whole month. I wonder what it would be like to blog more frequently and share more of the adventure in detail? I wonder would it be like for this blog to be the inspiration for others to choose consciousness?