
Monday, 16 November 2015

My Day Today November 16, 2015

Today I woke up and I asked myself...I wonder what I could choose that would contribute to creating greater possibilities for me, my body and my businesses? 

I recently took my Aromatherapy Kinesiology Level 1 & 2 training and have been playing with essential oils in my day to day life when it is light. So there are days I use the oils and days I do not.

What is Aromatherapy Kinesiology?  
"Aromatic Kinesiology was created in 1992 byRobbi Zeck ND in order to explore the psychological and mood enhancing effects of essential oils and is offered as a training and seminar series throughout Australia and internationally.
Kinesiology embraces beauty, transformation and balance and focuses on how to influence your physical health, your state of mind and your connection to spirit through exploring aromatherapy from an emotional perspective." Robbi Zeck -Aromatic Kinesiology - Aromatherapy For Healing & Transformation

For more information please visit

Today I muscle tested what essential oil would be the greatest contribution to me, my body and businesses. I tested for PEPPER essential oil. My 1st reaction was no way and I retested...and it still was PEPPER.  How does it get any better than that? So I pulled out my PEPPER essential oil and put it in my diffuser...and it is not so bad.

I wonder what else is now possible with the energetic contribution of PEPPER essential oil?

PEPPER essential oil is an immune stimulant and detoxifying.  It also is contribution when dealing with digestion, muscular/joint/nerve pain, increasing circulation, constipation, and colds. Now when I look at these I look for the ones that pop for me. What I mean by POP is the ones that feel light and light up when I read. It indicates it is true for me.  The ones that are heavy and dense are NOT true for me. As we know not everything is for everybody. So for me in these 10 seconds my body is receiving the energetic contribution in the area of detoxifying and muscular/joint/nerve pain and whatever else my body may be is the smart one here and I choose not to limit my receiving and at the same time acknowledge my awarenesses.

Robbi Zeck has a book "The Blossoming Heart" (picture above) and it goes into the emotional/psychological aspects of essential oils. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!! Interested?

You can order it on-line from Rae Dunphy ( I aslo order my essential oils from Rae Dunphy.

Or you can order from Robbi Zeck's website. (

I was actually loaned this book (that I NEVER returned) by the lady I took my first energy based modality training from ANN WAKELIN and this was YEARS ago. So so grateful for Ann and her contribution to my life!!

From Robbi's book what is POPping for me today is the following...

"To be fully alive, fully human and completely awake, is to be continually thrown out of the nest."
Pema Chodron

What this brings up for me is my resistance to being thrown out of the nest...I choose to avoid/resist that energy of totally new if I can...partially new mixed in with some familiarity, I deal...everything that is I am going to let it go.

I choose to create the life I truly desire which requires me to be, do, and choose what I have never been, done or chosen which means a whole lot of NEW.  Everywhere I have made that NEW...the not knowing the next step as something to avoid and refuse...I let it all go.  I choose the NEW...the choosing and choosing again...following my awarenesses...trusting that following the lightness will create the life I truly desire without knowing any or all the steps...YES...I choose that.

"Use Black Pepper to pull you up fast to remind you that you are in charge of your life. Do not be distracted from taking responsibility for what you say, think, feel and do."
Robbi Zeck

I know my point of view creates my reality. I know where I put my energy increases and grows. What do I truly desire to create? Is what I am saying, thinking, feeling and doing feeding what I truly desire to create or is it the opposite?

I wonder what I will generate, create and actualize today with the contribution of PEPPER?

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Thursday, 23 July 2015

Live Stream Q & A on Access Bars®

This evening I was on a livestream broadcast for a Q & A on the research of Access Bars® by neuroscientist Dr. Fannin!! I am so excited by the possibilities!!! The broadcast was so amazing! Lucien could perceive the excitement...magic...possibilites....amazingness and so so much more and stood in front of me wagging his tail.

I have been gifting and receiving Access Bars® Sessions for 4 years and it has changed my life in so many ways and continues to do so. Access Consciousness™tools and processes have assisted me through so much and are a huge contributor to creating a life that makes my heart sing!! Saying  I am grateful for Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Access Consciousness™, and the amazing Access Consciousness Facilitators I have been lucky enough to work with does not come close to what I would truly like to express!

Are you looking to creating a change in your life? Do you know more is possible and not sure what it would take to step into more? Maybe an Access Bars® Session is what you too are looking for?

If you would like some more info on Access Bars® here you go....

If you would like to watch a video on a review of Access Bars® by Dr. Fannin here you go...

What is truly possible you never considered?

Talk To The Animals Tele Call Series

It has been a long time since my last post...I wonder what it would take to post more frequently and bring you along on my day to day adventures?

Yesterday I just finished a Talk To The Animals Tele-Call Series with Suzy Godsey​ much has changed! When I started taking Suzy's classes I was looking to create greater possibilities with my pets and it is so so so much more than that!!!

I have a total different way of being with my pets and animals, my pets have shifted and changed, and the biggest change was with ME on all levels!!! How does it get any better than that? So so so grateful!!

Suzy Godsey​ will be in San Diego offering her Talk to the Animals​ Class on Tuesday August 4; I wonder if this is a class that would contribute to your pets and you?

Monday, 8 December 2014

What could I choose during Christmas that would be FUN for ME?

The other day I talked with my Son and he let me know some details around his stay when he comes to visit in Athabasca for Christmas. What I had planned in my little head around “Christmas will be awesome if”…and what Jason has planned in his head around “Christmas will be awesome if”…are two totally different scenarios.  When I heard his details I chose to be crushed and I felt like someone punched me in the stomach (which when I think around it now…how heavy was my choice to be crushed and all the crazy thoughts that went with that). So many stories came rushing to the surface and so many conclusions became really loud around how NOT FUN my Christmas was going to be.  This led me to ask questions around what I was choosing in that moment around the plans Jason has for himself to make his Christmas special and fun for him.  Where was I in the equation of making my Christmas special and fun for me? How many decisions, judgements, conclusions, computations, projections, separations, expectations, and rejections did I have around Jason making my Christmas special and fun for me? How crazy is that? Where am I making my Christmas special and fun for me? 
Where else in my life am I choosing that? How much pressure and responsibility do I place on others when I base my fun on them? How much do I negate me when it comes to creating the life I truly desire?  Can a person ever truly create a life they desire if they are basing their choices on others and that they show up and how they show up?
WOW! WOW! WOW! What would I like to choose for Christmas that would be FUN for me?
 Not based on anyone else…What would be FUN for me to do if I was the only one showing up for Christmas?
Jason always shows me what choosing for you truly looks like and for that I am grateful; after I clear all the crap I pile on top of it. It makes me happy to know he knows how to create his life based on what he would like and not based on anyone else! I wonder what else is NOW possible?

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot?

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot? How much of your day are you choosing to create? How much of your life are you enjoying?

If you are looking to create change in your life you need to be and do something different when things are not showing up as you would desire them to. That does not mean you choose something you have chosen before with a slight twist, it requires you to choose something you have not chosen before.

I was on the Creativity Lab’s Spark Webinar  ( the other day and Lisa Murray said "If you would actually look at every single second as a choice for creating...".  This brought up such an amazing energy and I could perceive the possibilities that are available at every moment!  

I then looked at my life and could perceive how much of my day I am choose way more auto-pilot over choosing to create.  There are things I desire to change dynamically in my life and hearing this reminded me that it is a choice and I have the tools to create the life I truly desire.  One of my favorite questions to ask right now is… I wonder what I could generate and create if I looked at every single second as a choice for creating?  This brings up a plethora of other questions like…Is this what I truly desire to create?  Does the energy of choosing this match the energy of what I desire my life to look like?

 And when I perceive it does not I can choose again and start creating something different.  Asking that question invites me to be present with every second of the day and I am empowered knowing I am creating a life that makes my heart sing.

Friday, 18 July 2014

I wonder what change I am unwilling to receive here?

For every thought, feeling, emotion, judgement, and conclusion I have been using the Interesting Point Of View tool.

 I have also been asking questions around things in my life that are really heavy and icky.   When I perceived the heavy and icky in my life I assumed that something was wrong/bad, no judgement there, LOL!!! With that being said I would look for the things that I judged as wrong/bad and overlooked what I had bought as right/good.  I am so grateful for the Access Consciousness™ Tools!!! Using the Interesting Point Of View tool really has created a space for me to see more clearly the places and spaces I am still choosing to judge, WOW, it is amazing there is so much there. 

Asking questions opens the doors to what else is possible and creates a space energetically to see what is and what can be.

There are areas in my life that change with ease as I am ready to generate, create and receive the change.  In other areas of my life, the one’s I bought that were working for me, I am refusing to generate, create and receive the change.   Asking “I wonder what change I am unwilling to receive here?” has created a space for me to see where I bought things could not get any better. 
For me these tend to be around relationships I have with people I care a lot about and I have created a lot of judgement around me for what is going on when things start to shift and change. I bought that what I been/be and have done/do is wrong and bad.  The things that I have decided are awesome as they are, actually can be something even more phenomenal, if I am willing to be open to receive what is required to support what I have been asking for.  I am so aware how me being in resistance to certain relationships changing created so much heaviness and ick.  I now choose more for me and the people I care a lot about!

The Universe has our backs always and when things get intense, I wonder what asking “What change am I unwilling to receive here?” would generate and create.  

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Question Creates Possibilities

Since the May Access Consciousness Level 2/3 in Vancouver I made the demand to start creating the life I truly desire. 
 If you don’t know what you would like to create with your life, how do you get started creating that life?  I started by asking “What do I truly desire to create as my life?” Asking a question opens us up to receive the possibilities available if we are willing. It has become very clear to me I desire to create a life that makes my heart sing.  I have also been requesting “Universe…show me things that make my heart sing.” The Universe so has my back and has been showing me such awesomeness!!!
  Another question I am asking all the time is “I wonder what it would be like to live a life that makes my heart sing?” When I ask this question an energy comes up that is so expansive, it feels like every molecule of my body opens up and is singing, it is the most amazing feeling!!!!! How does it get any better than that?
I started compiling a list of things that bring up that amazing energy.  I ask “I choose _____________ what will my life be like in 5 years? in 10 years? in 15 years? in 20 years?” When I ask this and the energy it brings up matches the energy of living a life that makes my heart sing, I write it down on the list.  I also ask that question around things I am already choosing to get clear on what I am currently creating.  If I am presented with a possibility and it matches the energy of living a life that makes my heart sing I choose it, even when it doesn’t make logical sense.  It can be little things like going to the grocery store and on that adventure I meet someone who has not seen me in ages and chooses to book a session.  It can be things like seeing a Facebook post about someone and that energy surfacing, so I look that person up and I am presented with a possibility to take some classes I have taken previously and that energy shows up again and I choose the classes and my heart and the molecules of my body are open and singing and more possibilities show up. I wonder what it would be like for more of that to show up right away as if by magic?
It has been very eye opening for me, I am grateful for the Access Consciousness™ tools!!! The more I ask questions, follow the energy, choose, and repeat with no point of view the Universe shows up with more and more and more awesomeness!
When we choose to ask questions, everything can show up for us if we are willing to allow it. But we have to be willing to allow it to show up for us, or it can’t.  It never shows up like you think it will!!

I wonder what it would be like to ask questions, follow the energy that matches the life we desire with no point of view, choose, and repeat?