Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Day 18 Choosing What Is Light

It has been 14 days since my last post...WOWZA!!!!  Since the 17th life has been busy and full of adventure!  So much has shown up to show me what my choices have been creating.  The magic of clients showing up last minute, possibilities that have left me in awe, money showing up in places and spaces I never imagined possible and creations that I am using to stop me.  I am so grateful for it all!! 

I have been listening to "Have More Money" Call #3 since the 17th and just today I was able to hear and receive it in totality.  I have spent 2 weeks on this Call and the places it has guided me to and through is beyond words and the possibilities I am able to perceive are awe inspiring. Following through on the action steps to change things is where I tend to stop me. The uncomfortableness of choosing the action steps is what I used to make choosing it wrong.  I was unwilling to acknowledge this and as I acknowledged it today I see all the places and spaces I chose not to follow through.  Not from a place of judgement...from a place of acknowledgement and from this space I can now choose differently.  We cannot change what we don't acknowledge.  I am willing to be in the uncomfortableness of following what is light, I welcome it, I have all the tools I require to facilitate me through it all. (I am sooooooo grateful for Access Consciousness)  The AWEsomeness of choosing beyond my comfort zone is living a life beyond my wildest dreams...how is that not worth being uncomfortable?

It amazes me how much I used my family to stop me, yes my family, how cool am I?  My Son arrived home for Christmas on the 21st I was so happy to see him, it did my heart so good.  Jason has been living in Vancouver, B.C. since the middle of August and seeing him for the first time in 4 months filled my heart with gratitude.  It makes me happy to see he is more of him since I last seen him. Since he has been back visiting I have created some heaviness in my Universe...I was expecting him to show up for me in places it wasn't light for him and I was showing up for him in places it wasn't light for me.  This led to heavy situations and feelings of upset (distractor implants) to hold in place the choice to show up for family no matter what.

  I wonder what we can now create by honoring what is light for us no matter what?  I wonder if the experience and connection created through following what is light will create far more than we ever imagined possible no matter what that choice is? I look forward to what this acknowledgement will open me up to.  I wonder if we can create a relationship that is far more for the both of us that will transcend anything we ever imagined possible?

This New Year's Eve I have chose to spend alone doing what is light for me...listening to Access Consciousness calls, blogging, and playing with pictures and quotes.  I choose to start 2014 following the lightness no matter what it looks like and openly receive what shows up no matter what.  Following this lightness is uncomfortable and I acknowledge I am choosing beyond my comfort zone. What can I be and do different today?  I choose the adventure of living my life following the lightness!! 2014 here I come from a place and space I have never chosen before!  

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