Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot?

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot? How much of your day are you choosing to create? How much of your life are you enjoying?

If you are looking to create change in your life you need to be and do something different when things are not showing up as you would desire them to. That does not mean you choose something you have chosen before with a slight twist, it requires you to choose something you have not chosen before.

I was on the Creativity Lab’s Spark Webinar  ( the other day and Lisa Murray said "If you would actually look at every single second as a choice for creating...".  This brought up such an amazing energy and I could perceive the possibilities that are available at every moment!  

I then looked at my life and could perceive how much of my day I am choose way more auto-pilot over choosing to create.  There are things I desire to change dynamically in my life and hearing this reminded me that it is a choice and I have the tools to create the life I truly desire.  One of my favorite questions to ask right now is… I wonder what I could generate and create if I looked at every single second as a choice for creating?  This brings up a plethora of other questions like…Is this what I truly desire to create?  Does the energy of choosing this match the energy of what I desire my life to look like?

 And when I perceive it does not I can choose again and start creating something different.  Asking that question invites me to be present with every second of the day and I am empowered knowing I am creating a life that makes my heart sing.

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