
Monday, 8 December 2014

What could I choose during Christmas that would be FUN for ME?

The other day I talked with my Son and he let me know some details around his stay when he comes to visit in Athabasca for Christmas. What I had planned in my little head around “Christmas will be awesome if”…and what Jason has planned in his head around “Christmas will be awesome if”…are two totally different scenarios.  When I heard his details I chose to be crushed and I felt like someone punched me in the stomach (which when I think around it now…how heavy was my choice to be crushed and all the crazy thoughts that went with that). So many stories came rushing to the surface and so many conclusions became really loud around how NOT FUN my Christmas was going to be.  This led me to ask questions around what I was choosing in that moment around the plans Jason has for himself to make his Christmas special and fun for him.  Where was I in the equation of making my Christmas special and fun for me? How many decisions, judgements, conclusions, computations, projections, separations, expectations, and rejections did I have around Jason making my Christmas special and fun for me? How crazy is that? Where am I making my Christmas special and fun for me? 
Where else in my life am I choosing that? How much pressure and responsibility do I place on others when I base my fun on them? How much do I negate me when it comes to creating the life I truly desire?  Can a person ever truly create a life they desire if they are basing their choices on others and that they show up and how they show up?
WOW! WOW! WOW! What would I like to choose for Christmas that would be FUN for me?
 Not based on anyone else…What would be FUN for me to do if I was the only one showing up for Christmas?
Jason always shows me what choosing for you truly looks like and for that I am grateful; after I clear all the crap I pile on top of it. It makes me happy to know he knows how to create his life based on what he would like and not based on anyone else! I wonder what else is NOW possible?

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot?

How much of your day do you spend creating on auto pilot? How much of your day are you choosing to create? How much of your life are you enjoying?

If you are looking to create change in your life you need to be and do something different when things are not showing up as you would desire them to. That does not mean you choose something you have chosen before with a slight twist, it requires you to choose something you have not chosen before.

I was on the Creativity Lab’s Spark Webinar  ( the other day and Lisa Murray said "If you would actually look at every single second as a choice for creating...".  This brought up such an amazing energy and I could perceive the possibilities that are available at every moment!  

I then looked at my life and could perceive how much of my day I am choose way more auto-pilot over choosing to create.  There are things I desire to change dynamically in my life and hearing this reminded me that it is a choice and I have the tools to create the life I truly desire.  One of my favorite questions to ask right now is… I wonder what I could generate and create if I looked at every single second as a choice for creating?  This brings up a plethora of other questions like…Is this what I truly desire to create?  Does the energy of choosing this match the energy of what I desire my life to look like?

 And when I perceive it does not I can choose again and start creating something different.  Asking that question invites me to be present with every second of the day and I am empowered knowing I am creating a life that makes my heart sing.

Friday, 18 July 2014

I wonder what change I am unwilling to receive here?

For every thought, feeling, emotion, judgement, and conclusion I have been using the Interesting Point Of View tool.

 I have also been asking questions around things in my life that are really heavy and icky.   When I perceived the heavy and icky in my life I assumed that something was wrong/bad, no judgement there, LOL!!! With that being said I would look for the things that I judged as wrong/bad and overlooked what I had bought as right/good.  I am so grateful for the Access Consciousness™ Tools!!! Using the Interesting Point Of View tool really has created a space for me to see more clearly the places and spaces I am still choosing to judge, WOW, it is amazing there is so much there. 

Asking questions opens the doors to what else is possible and creates a space energetically to see what is and what can be.

There are areas in my life that change with ease as I am ready to generate, create and receive the change.  In other areas of my life, the one’s I bought that were working for me, I am refusing to generate, create and receive the change.   Asking “I wonder what change I am unwilling to receive here?” has created a space for me to see where I bought things could not get any better. 
For me these tend to be around relationships I have with people I care a lot about and I have created a lot of judgement around me for what is going on when things start to shift and change. I bought that what I been/be and have done/do is wrong and bad.  The things that I have decided are awesome as they are, actually can be something even more phenomenal, if I am willing to be open to receive what is required to support what I have been asking for.  I am so aware how me being in resistance to certain relationships changing created so much heaviness and ick.  I now choose more for me and the people I care a lot about!

The Universe has our backs always and when things get intense, I wonder what asking “What change am I unwilling to receive here?” would generate and create.  

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Question Creates Possibilities

Since the May Access Consciousness Level 2/3 in Vancouver I made the demand to start creating the life I truly desire. 
 If you don’t know what you would like to create with your life, how do you get started creating that life?  I started by asking “What do I truly desire to create as my life?” Asking a question opens us up to receive the possibilities available if we are willing. It has become very clear to me I desire to create a life that makes my heart sing.  I have also been requesting “Universe…show me things that make my heart sing.” The Universe so has my back and has been showing me such awesomeness!!!
  Another question I am asking all the time is “I wonder what it would be like to live a life that makes my heart sing?” When I ask this question an energy comes up that is so expansive, it feels like every molecule of my body opens up and is singing, it is the most amazing feeling!!!!! How does it get any better than that?
I started compiling a list of things that bring up that amazing energy.  I ask “I choose _____________ what will my life be like in 5 years? in 10 years? in 15 years? in 20 years?” When I ask this and the energy it brings up matches the energy of living a life that makes my heart sing, I write it down on the list.  I also ask that question around things I am already choosing to get clear on what I am currently creating.  If I am presented with a possibility and it matches the energy of living a life that makes my heart sing I choose it, even when it doesn’t make logical sense.  It can be little things like going to the grocery store and on that adventure I meet someone who has not seen me in ages and chooses to book a session.  It can be things like seeing a Facebook post about someone and that energy surfacing, so I look that person up and I am presented with a possibility to take some classes I have taken previously and that energy shows up again and I choose the classes and my heart and the molecules of my body are open and singing and more possibilities show up. I wonder what it would be like for more of that to show up right away as if by magic?
It has been very eye opening for me, I am grateful for the Access Consciousness™ tools!!! The more I ask questions, follow the energy, choose, and repeat with no point of view the Universe shows up with more and more and more awesomeness!
When we choose to ask questions, everything can show up for us if we are willing to allow it. But we have to be willing to allow it to show up for us, or it can’t.  It never shows up like you think it will!!

I wonder what it would be like to ask questions, follow the energy that matches the life we desire with no point of view, choose, and repeat?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

What Would I Really Like My Life To Be Like?

I have been asking a lot of questions around what I would like my life to be like.
Questions like…
What would I like to create as my life?
What would be FUN for me?
What was so much FUN for me when I was a girl that I would do it all day?
What makes my heart sing?
What can I add to my life to create a greater living?

I have had several things show up that have led me to look at things I have never considered before. It has been interesting, FUN, and a trip down memory lane!! One of the things that kept showing up when I was looking for things on line is luxury apartments in the heart of large city centers. My body lights up when I look at the rentals!! The luxury of on-site pet service, room service, maid service, concierge service, and so much more…WOW!!! I would like to choose that!!!! The possibility of living 3 months here and 4 months there and 6 months over there inspires me!! Asking these questions has opened me up to receive how much more I can choose. Choosing a life that makes my heart sing is OK and I can have that if I choose it!!
I had interesting points of view that as a single mom my life could not be luxurious and there was a lot of limitation and control around what I could and could not choose.  My Son is 18 turning 19 in 33 sleeps and is living the life that makes his heart sing in Vancouver.  Watching him choose this has been inspiring and has brought out the ugly in me. Several times I have tried to impel my points of view around what he was choosing, not my finest moments.  Choice creates.  Those choices and what they created really had/have me looking at all the points of view I have around making choices that are light even when they don’t make logical sense. I am so grateful for those experiences no matter how ugly and uncomfortable they were! The gift from all of it is I now get to choose in place of reacting as I have acknowledged and cleared all the gunk around this. 

I have also been choosing things that make my heart sing, even when it doesn’t make logical sense, I follow the energy.  I am retaking some modalities I have previously taken and the possibilities and inspiration it has opened me up to are amazing!!! The icing on the cake is a got to meet Cathy Gordichuk (!! I am soooooo grateful for all she has gifted me so far!! How did I get so lucky? I get to spend the upcoming weekend with her absorbing more AWEsomeness!!!

I would like to share an awareness I had the other day when I asked “What was so much FUN for me when I was a girl that I would do it all day?” I received several awarenesses around this and the one the made my heart sing the loudest was when I recalled going to the outdoor pool in Vegreville. I would swim to exhaustion and then lie in the sun and swim to exhaustion and then lie in the sun.  I remember holding my breath under water as long as I could all the while pretending I was a mermaid. I loved how my body felt when I swam!! This all changed around adolescents, I wonder what I decided at that point? I am looking forward to choosing things that made my heart sing when I was little NOW!! How much more fun can I add to my life?

Monday, 5 May 2014

It Never Shows Up Like You Think It Will

I have been taking Access Consciousness™ Classes and using the tools and processes for 2.5 years and the change I continue to experience blows my mind!! 

This weekend I attended my 6th Access Consciousness Level 1 Class and the change I experienced is beyond words.  Looking at the weekend from where I BE today I would never of thought I would have gone where I chose to go and that what it cleared in my life would in any way be connected.  As I sat with my experience last night, I recalled feeling embarrassed and really uncomfortable at times sharing what I was experiencing/thinking when the facilitator was asking me questions (AMAZING Facilitator Glenyce Hughes  In the past I would not have been as honest with myself, I would have chosen to shut down and give my thinking brain answer.  What I mean by thinking brain is what I know would make sense to everyone in the class and what they knew of me.  As uncomfortable as it was to share what I was perceiving, and it was more uncomfortable then I have ever allowed myself to choose, I desired the change in my life more.  I have heard it said before "when it is more uncomfortable to stay where we are than it is to change", that is where I was. I now choose the uncomfortable, to look at it and ask questions around it so I can have me, all of me.

Today I asked questions and followed the lightness without going into doubt, wondering if it would work or if people would receive it and what would I do if they didn’t. I chose and followed through with the action steps that were required when it was in my awareness to follow them.  I perceive “What else is possible?” in place of “What if this doesn’t work?” I perceive so much lightness!!!! I wonder what else is possible I never even considered? Yes, I have asked questions before, followed the lightness before, and chose action steps where required before and NOW there is less clearing of points of view/limitations and more choose and choose and choose! I can now perceive and receive the lightness of  “It is just a choice”.

Check out my website for Upcoming Classes and Special Offers!!!

Friday, 2 May 2014

What's The Value Of Creating Separation?

Recently I created an experience that had me initially choosing separation. This is a pattern I have chosen over and over in life with people I have created a close connection with.  When I perceive a charged energy for me around something they have chosen or a charged energy from them around something I have chosen I shut down and separate.  I go into the wrongness of what I am feeling in place of asking questions and I slide into guilt, blame, and shame. If I had not said what I said or had not chosen what I had chosen none of this would be going on.  I NOW choose something very different.  When there is a charge for me I now choose to continue to connect, stay in the question, and clear all the crap that comes up for me. When I perceive it is a charge for them I choose to be space so they can ask question all the while  clearing anything that comes up for me no matter how uncomfortable it is.  I am so worth it!!!!

I am so grateful I have friends that have chosen to stay connected with me even when they perceived that something they have chosen brought up a charge in my reality.  They chose to give me the space to ask questions and stayed connected and open.  What a gift they BE!!!!!!! I am so grateful for that, all of it, the experiences that brought up the crap and my friends for choosing to be AWEsome!! My FAV clearing for when I am sliding into wrongness, guilt, blame, or shame…All the quantum particulates holding these distractor implants in place I now destroy and uncreate it all.  I say this over and over until the energy shifts.  I have ended connections due to my unwillingness to ask questions when the energy of wrongness, guilt, blame, or shame surfaced, I can see that all so clearly now.  I am so grateful for Access Consciousness™!!!

I wonder what else is now possible?

Adventurer In AWEsomeness,
Leah Gullion

Thursday, 27 March 2014

March 27, 2014 WOW!!! Almost 2 Months Since My Last Blog!


How has everyone been? My last blog was February 2, much has shifted and changed...where do I start?

I now have a website!!! It is a work in progress and I am continually adding bits and pieces.  I have chosen to have more of a presence on social media and the internet and be the invitation to anyone who may be looking for me and what I do.

What is it that I do? I am hands down a Energy Enthusiast!!! What does that mean? I LOVE playing with energy in it's many forms!!! We are energy, colours are energy, essential oils are energy, points of view are energy, feelings/emotions are energy, thoughts are energy...everything is energy!
I offer the following sessions - Access Consciousness® Bars, Access Consciousness® Body Processes, Tong Ren, Reiki, and combine Colour & Aroma Therapy where it would be a contribution to the client to facilitate changes clients are looking for.  If you would like more information in regards to my session please visit my website I also facilitate Access Consciousness® Bars and Body Process Classes, if you would like more information around classes or hosting a class please email me at

I took my very first energy course 17 years ago, it was a Reiki class and from there I played with colours and crystals in my personal life. Since that first class I have read and read and read as many books and articles as I could around Reiki, colour and crystals.  In 2010 I chose to take as many energy based classes as I could to truly step into creating something with what I so enJOYed.

So far I have taken...Body Balancing, Colour Therapy, Tong Ren, Advanced Tong Ren, Tui Na, Reiki-Masters, Theta Healing®-Basic DNA, Theta Healing®-Advanced DNA, Theta Healing®-Manifesting & Abundance, Access Consciousness® Bars, Access Consciousness® Foundation & Level 1, Access Consciousness® Level 2 &3, Access Consciousness® 3 Day Body Process Class. Each class has contributed to creating a toolbox over flowing with tools and processes to facilitate clients into so much more.

 In April/May I am registered to take Access Consciousness® Foundation/Level 1, Level 2/3, and 3 Day Body Class so far. I am also playing with the energy of choosing a Right Riches For YOU class in Edmonton. You may be asking yourself why is she repeating classes she has already taken? With Access Consciousness® things are always changing. Every class no matter how many times you repeat it is never the same. It is the people that show up for the class that create the class and with that new processes and tools are created based on what the class requires, it is truly a magical experience!
 The one other class I have been desiring to take is Aromatic Kinesiology with Robbi Zeck, she was in Calgary this past fall and I was unable to attend. What is right about that I am not getting? The only possibilities for this class in 2014 are in Australia and New Zealand...I wonder what it would be like to choose one of them and have an adventure beyond my wildest dreams?

Currently I have myself immersed 24/7 in the Monthly Telecalls of AWEsomeness with Glenyce Hughes. So with that I choose to listen to the Monthly Call & Clearing Loop everyday for the majority of the day till the next call. This has been generating and creating  more change, awareness, and awesomeness than I ever imagined possible.  Awarenesses around where I am choosing to function from are so clear and the possiblities to choose are also so clear. If I happen to be taking more than one class at a time I will interplay them for even more dynamic change and it is amazing how they tend to support each other and generate and create even more change.  The Universe truly does have our backs. This month's AWEsomeness telecall talks alot around ask and receive, it is amazing what is showing up for me.  It has become so clear that I am not aware of all I truly would like to create with my life
and with that awareness I have been asking "What is it I truly desire to create?".  With having said that, I am asking questions around my day to day living and following the lightness and not going beyond that.  What I am choosing to ask questions around is what I would like my life to be like in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and being with the energy that comes up.  With that awareness my choices can contribute to building my future.  HDIGABTT?!? If you looking to create some change in you life?  Join me on this adventure by signing up for the monthly telecalls

I am so looking forward to listening to "Living In The Magic Of Possibilities with Glenyce Hughes" Radio Show on Voice America Empowerment Network (TODAY) March 27, 2014 at 4:00 pm!!!!!  SECRET AGENDAS!!!!!!!

Adventurer In AWEsomeness,
Leah Gullion

Sunday, 2 February 2014

What Would I Like My Reality To Be?

For the last two weeks I have been listening to Glenyce Hughes' "Living In The Magic Of Possibilities" 4 week tele-series (
I have been listening to the calls, clearings and vibrational alignments every day with a couple of hours break here and there. Really choosing the series and being with the processes and tools has uncovered so much that I have been unwilling to look at in the past. Acknowledging what I choose and have chosen puts me in the driver seat, from here I can create the change I desire. I initially started my LITMOP thirty day adventure on January 8, I announced the start and avoid listening and claimed a position of too busy and overwhelm.  It took me 11 days to acknowledge my avoidance and from there I chose the adventure for real and for true. 
 The first week of LITMOP facilitated me into really seeing all the judgments I still had and that was truly an eye opening realization. Immersing myself in week 1 call, clearing and vibrational alignment on infinite receiving brought clarity to how I was choosing based on decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations (DJCCs). From this space I POC and PODed all the DJCCs that presented themselves and today  I am still POC and PODing. When I now ask a question if any point of view surfaces I clear them with the clearing statement ( and continue to clear until the only thing I am perceiving is heavy or light. That is where true choice exist when we choose between what is heavy or light with no point of view. When we follow the lightness we access the magic, miracles and joy. 

It has been a long while since my last blog, almost a whole month. I wonder what it would be like to blog more frequently and share more of the adventure in detail? I wonder would it be like for this blog to be the inspiration for others to choose consciousness?

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Day 27 Overview Of The Have More Money Adventure

Monday was the last day of immersing myself in the “Have More Money” tele-series facilitated by Glenyce Hughes (!  Choosing to use the tools and listen to the call and clearings 24/7 has generated and created so much in my life.  When I chose this 30 day adventure I was aware it would contribute to my finances in amazing ways and that it did.  I was not aware it would transform all areas of my life!!!  
I have released so much judgement for me and others.  I was amazed how much judgement of me I was holding and never perceived taking a class titled “Have More Money” would facilitate me into changing that.    How did I get so lucky?

In 30 days I generated and created $3000.00 that did not come from my usual sources of monies!  How does it get any better than that?   

This tele-series facilitated me in creating a relationship with my home and all the items in it and they are all working for me as I am for them.  It is so interesting what gets generated and created when your home and the items in it are working with you and the phenomenal energy  that creates…I enJOY being home.
The biggest change for me was how this tele-series facilitated my relationship with Jason (my son).  I am so so so grateful.  It allowed me to really hear what he required with no point of view or defense.  I was able to see what we had co-created and what I was unwilling to let go of. 

Being able to see what we were co-creating with no point of view or defense I was able to let that go and choose to create something we have never had before.   What else is now possible?

If you are looking to change your money situation and more and are willing to listen to the calls, clearings, and use the tools provided change is yours for the choosing. Is NOW the time?

Friday, 3 January 2014

Day 21 - So So So So Much More

I have chosen to immerse myself 24/7 in the “Have More Money” tele-series facilitated by Glenyce Hughes.  The magic and miracles this has opened me up to is beyond words.  I have released so much judgement I had towards myself and now I am in a place I can receive my awarenesses with no point of view and ask questions around it.  So much has changed and the change has been around money and so so so so much more.

Two nights ago I was visiting with my Son (he leaves today to go forward in his life in Burnaby) and I was aware I had created some heaviness with him and really was looking to shift that prior to his departure and asked if we could talk about it.  He is an amazing young man and is so aware and agreed; believe me if he had sensed any heaviness around talking he would have said “no”.  Due to our conversation I am now aware that when my Son chooses not to discuss something with me it is his awareness he is following and not a means to shut me out (that is the conclusion I previously held). The acknowledgement of this has allowed me to really step into honoring what he chooses in place of the defense action I had taken in the past; which created more resistance and separation.  I cannot express how much this alone has changed our relationship.   During this conversation I was able to hear what Jason required of me.  He was looking to create a new type of relationship with me, he no longer wanted me to be his mom. He was looking to create a relationship with me in which he could share and have FUN.  The mother/son relationship we had created no longer worked for him, he was looking for something that was more generative and empowering for the both of us.  I could sense how light the new relationship he wanted to create was. I could also hear I was not willing to and shared that with him;  that I didn't know if I could do that. He asked me why I believed that…my automatic response with no filters was “I would have no purpose.”  I chose to be a single mom and invested all of me in that process.  Hearing myself say with no charge or point of view that I then would have no purpose allowed me to see how much I was in defense holding my purpose in place...WOW!!! This was such a contribution to me!!!  Now that I am able to perceive what was and what could be, I am all for creating a new relationship that is light and expansive and empowering for the both of us with no point of view or defense!!  How does it get any better than that?  I choose to step into choosing in 10 second increments following the lightness-living in the magic, miracles and joy.  Here’s to my new found relationship with JASON!!!!!! How did I get so lucky?  What else is now possible?